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World Gas Conference: Goldcard Outshined Others with New Progress in Overseas Markets
Time:2018-07-11 15:09:33

On June 25 to 29, 2018, the 27th World Gas Conference (WGC), hosted by the International Gas Union (IGU) and undertaken by the American Gas Association (AGA), took place at the Washington Convention Centre. 12000 international peers from over 350 enterprises in more than 90 countries shared their industrial experience in this conference.


As a smart gas solution provider, Goldcard develops rapidly in recent years on the international stage. In the WGC, Goldcard attracted a lot of attention from gas enterprises worldwide as a leading smart gas enterprise in the Chinese gas industry.

Popular Smart Device

Experienced in smart gas technologies and smart manufacturing, Goldcard now has developed smart devices that are competitive in precise metering and efficient security mechanisms.

IoT technologies are popular in recent years, increasing the intellectualization rate by equipping energy devices with “smart brains”. In the gas industry, the 2016 market penetration rate of smart gas meters was about 50% in China, and it was estimated that the future market size would be more than ten billion RMB. Goldcard, as a technology pioneer, applied IoT technologies in urban gas trade and metering. With 5-year IoT experience, Goldcard received good market feedback. As a masterpiece, the smart gas device based on NB-IoT technologies was hot in the WGC for its successful applications in China.





In addition, the thermal gas quality flowmeter, ultrasonic flowmeter, roots flowmeter, turbine flowmeter, and volume corrector also won great attention from many gas enterprises, especially thermal and ultrasonic technologies that are applied in the new-type electronic metering field.


Smart Gas Solution Leading the Smart Future

Goldcard has built a comprehensive end-to-end smart gas solution based on the cloud-pipe-device structure and successfully applied and promoted it. The solution meets mass cloud data processing requirements and solves high concurrency problems, ensuring security of the cloud-pipe-device structure. With this solution, gas users can query gas bills, perform payment, and apply for installation and ignition online using the mobile Internet; gas enterprises can collect and analyze user data for efficient user and device management, stable pipeline network operation, and urban gas security.

In the conference, Goldcard showed the smart gas solution and shared multiple successful global application cases, inspiring visitors in the gas industry.





New Order Obtaining with Strength

On June 28, 2018, Goldcard signed new contracts with international customers, further expanding overseas markets.



Welcome to Beijing!

Today, China is stepping forward to the world stage center steadily and confidently with increasing international influence in the gas industry. It is our honor to announce that Beijing has obtained the hosting rights of 2024 WGC. We are looking forward to share industrial experience and achievements with experts worldwide in this conference.


As a smart gas service provider, Goldcard witnessed the rapid development of natural gas in China and also benefited from that. In future, we will continue working with our peers in China to empower smart cities and promote global smart gas informatization and digitalization by seizing the opportunities of cloud computing, big data, IoT, mobile Internet, and smart city in the new round of IoT trend.

Welcome to Beijing!

Goldcard, waiting for you in Beijing in 2024!